Connect with Others

Links to Other Organizations


Online and a publication of inspiration, information and opportunity for Canadians with disabilities.

Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities –  ACCD

ACCD is dedicated to educating individuals, organizations, legislators, schools, decision-makers and employers about disability-related issues. We aim to dispel the myths that hinder persons with disabilities from participating fully in society.

Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic – DCAC

306 352 6221
1 877 793 3222

DCAC provide advocacy services in CPP disability claims and appeals

Disability Alliance BC –  DABCBC

Disability Alliance BC (formerly BC Coalition of People with Disabilities) has been a provincial, cross-disability voice in British Columbia.

Council of Canadians with Disabilities –  CCD

CCD is a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an inclusive and accessible Canada. CCD seeks to achieve priorities through law reform, litigation, public education and dialogue with key decision-makers.

DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada DAWN

DAWN-RAFH  is an organization that works towards the advancement and inclusion of women and girls with disabilities and Deaf women in Canada. Their strategic theme is one of leadership, partnership and networking to engage all levels of government and the wider disability and women’s sectors and other stakeholders in addressing key issues.

Disability Income Support Coalition – DISC

(306) 955 3344

DISC  vision is to see an income system that offers both an adequate baseline income for people with disabilities and a user-friendly mechanism to address individual financial needs based on the impact of disability.

Disability Strategy

The Strategy will focus on providing supports and services to individuals who have a disability, but will also recognize the role of family and caregivers in supporting persons with disabilities. All of these people ‘experience’ disability.

Entrepreneurial Co-op Loan Association

(306) 352 4994

SBLA supports entrepreneurs with disabilities to start up businesses in the Regina Area with access to business capital and finance.

IDEA Regina

A grassroots alliance who advocates for individuals with disabilities to fully participate as equals in  communities and the workplace.

Kids Help Phone

1 800 668 6868

KHP offers phone counselling, web counselling for ages under 20. It’s  24/7  and free. All calls are anonymous and confidential.

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities – MLPD

 MLPD is a membership-based organization representing the concerns of people with all types of disabilities in Manitoba. It  supports Manitobans with disabilities with social policy research and consultation, public education programs, information and referral services, and class advocacy.

PEI Council of The Disabled – PEICOD

The PEI Council of People with Disabilities encourages  the promotion of the full participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in Island society.

Saskatchewan Association for Community Living – SACL

(306) 955-3344

SACL advocates provide support in a variety of ways to individuals, parents, siblings, other family members, friends and community based organizations. They are available to facilitate and mediate where barriers prevent individuals from realizing full citizenship in their community. They work collaboratively with the government and community based organizations to ensure that citizens of Saskatchewan who have intellectual disabilities are valued, supported and included members of society and have opportunities and choices in all aspects of life. 

South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre –  SSILC

SSILC  is a consumer controlled, community based, cross disability agency that promotes the full citizenship of people with disabilities in our community. SSILC is an accredited member of Independent Living Canada, the national umbrella organization for 26 disability resource centres across Canada. 

North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre – NSILC

NSILC offers programs that support individuals with disabilities in learning and developing skills. NSILC provides an array of programs such as employment, literacy and support services. All are geared towards providing individuals with disabilities with the independence they need to fully integrate and participate in their communities. 

Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry (RAPM)

(306) 352 6386

The work of the Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry (RAPM) is done in three areas: individual advocacy, public education and social justice. 

Rethinking Disability

This evidence based report was gathered from consultations with Canadian private sector companies and this  research has provent there is a business case for employing people with disabilities. 

Stops to Violence


STOPS is a provincial network of individuals and organizations from a broad variety community sectors. This group focuses on reducing interpersonal violence and to build healthy communities where all people are safe.

Tetra Society of North America

Regina Chapter


Recruits skilled volunteer engineers and technicians to create assistive devices for people with disabilities. 



Links to Government Agencies/Programs

City of Regina


Regina Children’s Initiative

The Regina Children’s Initiative is committed to building a network of community support for the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical well-being of children.




Ministry of Social Services

1-888-567-SAID (7243)
TTY 1-866-995-0099 
306-798-SAID (7243) or TTY 787-1065].

Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID)

The SAID program, designed in collaboration with members of the disability community, provides an income for persons with significant and long-term disabilities separate from the Saskatchewan Assistance Program (SAP).

Office of Disability Issues

Has a direct working relationship with other government ministries, the disability community and the public.

Housing for Persons with Disabilities

Financial assistance allows homeowners and owners of rental properties to improve their dwellings so that they are more accessible to persons with disabilities

Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement

The Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement is a monthly benefit that assists families with children and persons with disabilities with their housing costs.



Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits

Service in English: 1-800-277-9914
Service in French: 1800-277-9915
TTY Device: 1-800-255-4786

Canadians who have contributed to CPP, but who are unable to work on a regular basis because of a disability, are eligible for CPP disability benefits.


Canada Pension Plan Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Offers vocational counselling, financial support for training, and job search services to recipients of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits to help them return to work.


Disability Tax Credit


The Disability Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit that helps individuals with disabilities, or their caregivers, reduce the amount of income tax they have to pay. It is a requirement for opening a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP).


Persons with Disabilities: Canada

Provides access to services and information for persons with disabilities, family members, caregivers and all Canadians


Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

Canadian residents under the age of 60 who are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit can open a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and can also receive money from the Government to encourage savings.


Service Canada’s Programs and Services   

Available to people with disabilities

Links to multiple programs provided by the Government of Canada for people with disabilities